About Project

European Commission (EC) in August 20, 2009 published media literacy recommendations to member states and came out with a warning, that "Europeans young and old could miss out on the benefits of today's high-tech information society unless more is done to make them 'media literate'", and asked EU countries and media industry organizations to increase understanding about various media expressions. The following definition of media literacy has been agreed between the European Commission media literacy experts and was approved by the Council. It is the basis for all further actions and initiatives on EU level including the assessment of media literacy levels1. Media literacy is the ability to access the media, to understand and to critically evaluate different aspects of the media and media contents and to create communications in a variety of contexts. Itincludes all media. The aim of media literacy is to increase people's awareness of the many forms of media messages encountered in their everyday lives. Media messages are the programmes, films, images, texts, sounds and websites that are carried by different forms of communication. Media literacy is a matter of inclusion and citizenship in today's information society. It is a fundamental skill not only for young people but also for adults and elderly people, parents, teachers and media professionals. Media literacy is today regarded as one of the key pre-requisites for an active and full citizenship in order to prevent and diminish risks of exclusion from community life. The aim of this partnership with 7 organizations from Turkey , UK , Czech Republic ,Italy ,Lithuania and Greece aim is to increase awareness of the many forms of media messages encountered in the everyday lives of our target group :students 14 - 18. It should help students to recognise how the media influences their perceptions and beliefs, shapes popular culture and impacts on personal choices. It should empower them with the critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills. These critical skills are necessary for Life-long Learning and Sustainability and will ensure our organizations promote and encourage our pupils to become active citizens. The methodology will be firstly the trainings of teachers - youth workers about how to teach and speak about media literacy, how to deliver the information, ow to design the workshops, teaching methodology, what to take in accounts, including practical examples, tips for sessions, games, activities, etc. The teachers and youth workers will share the new info and skills that they have gained with their collegues and organizations and start working with pupils. Learning by doing, learing by experience and through debate with others in a context of a team work is the basic methodology of the work with pupils. outcomes will be : -An educational tool about media literacy , during the LTTs experts of GENESIS the applicant will do trainings on media literacy with pupils , these trainings will be recorded and uploaded on website as an educational tool . -''ZOOM MEDIA '' lesson plans on media literacy education :This product of output represents one of the principal innovations of the project, which combines the objective to spread the results of the project with the need to guarantee the follow up,continuing to stimulate students' and teachers’ creativity and knowledge, even once project activities are completed. -A booklet '' Media Literacy Education in Europe '' including national and international strategies against the media addiction among students. This booklet will gather a series of strategies, used in the countries involved in the 'ZOOM MEDIA ' Erasmus+ project. ( translated to all languages of partner countries ) During the projects' life-cycle pupils will meet people form their local media , make interviews , visit the local media their cities , prepare presentation about their countries , media literacy education in their , they will learn how to debate , how to make emagazines , news , photo- video editing. They will become journalists , seachers ,writers , analysts , photographers , video makers. The project will trace the influence of media on students,channeled in a positive way. The value will be building a lasting partnership with the other participating schools,development of transnational cooperation and future implementation of intercultural dialogue and exchange of best practices. Through the dissemination activities the information mechanism will surely provide the achievement of the set goals and motivate other organizations and institutions to use the experience of all schools to conduct campaigns for understanding and tolerance. After the end of the project the management teams of the partner organizations will share their experiences and help other schools to implement various initiatives aimed at educational integration of children and pupils from all countries and all ages.

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